Save up to 80% on pre-owned Devilbiss suctions. Request a Quote for this product now.
Product Specifications
9″ x 7″ x 8″
Weighs 6.3 lbs
Up to 550 mm Hg vacuum and 27 Ipm flow
Built-in regulator and vacuum gauge
Universal AC power
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Devilbiss suctions. Request a Quote for this product now.
9″ x 7″ x 8″
Weighs 6.3 lbs
Up to 550 mm Hg vacuum and 27 Ipm flow
Built-in regulator and vacuum gauge
Universal AC power
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Aeros suctions. Request a Quote for this product now.
Product Specifications
8.5″ high x 10.50″ wide x 8.5″ deep
10.5 lbs
Vacuum Range:
0 to 550 mmHg
Free Air Flow:
50 LPM for 60 minutes
12 VDC oil-less diaphragm type
800cc disposable plastic with mechanical shutoff (adjustable bracket will accept any size canister)
Adjustable up to 1200cc standard
6′ disposable sterile plastic
Suction Tip:
Disposable Yankauer with control vent
Vacuum Regulator:
Disposable Yankauer with control vent
Vacuum Gauge:
Calibrated to 0-20″/500 mmHg
110 Volts, 60 Hz
12 Volts (nominal)
Battery Type:
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid
Battery Capacity:
12 Volts, 5 Ampere-Hour
Average Run Time:
60 minutes when fully charged
Integral trickle type supplied
Charge Time:
6 hours or less to 85% charging, depending on initial charge of battery
Charge Method:
110-Volt outlet
For service, parts, PM or rental see our Services section
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Aeros suctions.
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Product Specifications
Vacuum Range:
0 to 550mm Hg
Free Air Flow:
38 LPM minimum
Fan cooled rotary carbon vane type
Disposable plastic with mechanical shutoff
1200cc standard
14″ with bacterial filter
Vacuum Regulator:
Rotary type on panel
Vacuum Gauge:
Calibrated in mm Hg
AC:– 120 volts, 60 Hz, 3A
– 220 volts, 50 Hz, 2A
32 lbs
28″H x 14″W x 16″D
For service, parts, PM or rental see our Services section
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Aeros suctions. Request a Quote for this product now.
Vacuum Range:
up to 380mmHg
Free Air Flow:
36 LPM minimum (constant mode); 8 LPM (intermittent mode)
Fan cooled rotary carbon vane type
Time Cycle (intermittent mode only):
– Vacuum On: 20 seconds
– Vacuum Off: 10 seconds
Disposable plastic with mechanical shutoff
Vacuum Regulator:
Vacuum Gauge:
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Aeros suctions.
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Vacuum Range:
0 to 550 mm Hg
Free Air Flow:
38 LPM
15.5 pounds
8″ high x 12″ wide x 9.5″ deep
– Instant Vacuum
– Fan-cooled rotary carbon vane pump
– Vacuum and flow that surpass wall vacuum performance
– Safety overflow trap
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Zoll PD 1400 Defibrillators.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2010i syringe pumps.
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4.5″ W x 3.0″ H x 7.5″ L
2.5 pounds
±3% excluding syringe variations
Infusion Modes:
Body Weight modes:
– μg/kg/min μg/kg/min
– MG/kg/min MG/kg/HR
Mass Modes:
– μg/min μg/HR
– MG/min MG/HR
– mU/min mU/HR
– U/min U/HR
Continuous Mode:
– ml/min ml/HR
Volume Over Time Mode:
– Volume/time
Flow Rate:
0.01 to 378.0 ml/HR dependent on syringe size selected
Bolus Delivery:
In Body Weight, Mass and Continuous Modes
AC Adapter – DC internal rechargeable batteries
Recharge Time:
No longer than 16 hours with the pump turned off
Battery Capacity:
at 25°C, a 16 hour charge will operate the pump for approximately 10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with a 60 ml syringe.
Near Empty (5 to 60 minutes), Empty, Dose Volume Delivered, Bolus Complete, Bolus Delivery, Occlusion, System Malfunction, Low Battery, Depleted Battery, Syringe Pops Out, Invalid Size, Invalid Number, Check Clutch, Alarm Temporary Delay: 2 or 60 minutes, Alarm Audio Volume: Soft or Loud, Load Syringe Plunger
Status Alerts Visual, Non Audible:
Stop/Program, Deliver, Battery In Use, Battery Charging, Battery Depleted, Priming, Standby Mode, Back Light
Total Delivery:
From 0.0000 to 9999.9999 MG
From 0.00 to 9999.99 ml
From 0.0000 to 9999.9999 U
Syringe Options/Sizes:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D®): 1,3,5,10,20,30,60 ml
Monoject®(Mono): 1,3,6,12,20,35,60 ml
Terumo® (Teru): 1,3,5,10,20,30,60 ml
Becton-Dickinson Glass (BG-G) 1,3,5,10 ml
Abboject®: 50 ml
Please note the following:
Automatically senses syringe size (except B-D 1 cc Luer Lock Syringe) All syringes will fill to their maximum stated volume
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2010 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Overall Size:
4.5″W x 3″ H x 7.5″L
2.5 pounds
±3% (excluding syringe variations)
Infusion Modes:
Body Weight modes: mcg/kg/min, mcg/kg/hr, mg/kg/min, mg/kg/hr
Mass Modes: mg/hr
Continuous Modes: ml/hr
Volume/Time Mode: Dose Volume/Delivery Time
Flow Rate:
0.01 – 378.0 ml/hr – dependent upon syringe size selected
Bolus Rate:
Up to 378.0 ml/hr – dependent upon syringe size selected
Syringe Selection:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D)® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Monoject® 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 35, 60 ml
Terumo® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Syringe Fill Volume:
All syringe sizes will fill to maximum stated volumes
AC Adapter; DC Internal Rechargeable Batteries
Battery Capacity:
16 hour charge will operate the pump for approximately 10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with a 60 ml syringe
Recharge Time:
No Longer than 16 Hours
Near Empty
System Malfunction
Low/Depleted Battery
Load Syringe Plunger
Check Clutch
Syringe Pops Out
Invalid Size
Invalid Number
Alarm Audio: Soft or Loud
Alarm Temporary Delay: 2 or 60 minutes
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2001 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Overall Size:
4.5″ W X 3.0″ H X 7.5″ L
2.5 pounds
±3%, excluding syringe variations
Infusion Modes:
Continuous, Volume Over Time, Intermittent Auto, Intermittent Manual
Flow Rate:
00.01 to 378.0 ml per hour dependent upon syringe size selected
Syringe Selection:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D)® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Monoject® 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 35, 60 ml
Terumo® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Automatically senses syringe size except for B-D 1 cc Luer-lock syringe
Syringe Fill Volume:
All syringe sizes will fill to maximum stated volumes
AC95-135V; 60 Hz DC-Internal rechargeable batteries International voltage available
Recharge Time:
With Pump Off: 16 hours
Battery Capacity:
16 hour charge will operate the pump for at least 10 hours at 5.0 ml per hour with a 60 ml syringe
Total Volume Delivered:
000.00 to 999.99 ml increments of 0.01 ml
Volume Limit:
00.00 to maximum capacity of syringe size (with minimum Programmable volume of 0.05 ml increments of 0.01 ml.
0.1 to 9.9 ml per hour in increments of 0.1 ml (cannot exceed primary rate)
Near Empty:
Volume Limit
System Malfunction
Depleted Battery
Invalid Size
Check Clutch
Battery Charging
Low Battery
Syringe Pops Out
Invalid Number
Battery In Use
Battery Depleted/Plug in AC
Standby Mode
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Bard/Baxter 150XL/300XL Mini Infuser syringe pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
8.5″H x 4.5″W x 1.6″D
1 lb 12 oz with batteries
Accuracy Travel:
Approximately 1 ml in 35 seconds
Battery Life:
Variable from 0.1 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr) to 20.0 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr)
0.1 ml/hr
Flow Profile:
5 to 100 minutes in 1 minute increments
Rate (Travel):
10 to 20 psi
Occlusion Detection Time:
110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 25 W
Occlusion Force:
0.250 amperes, time lag
Stored Volume on Occlusion:
One 8 VDC, four cell sealed lead acid rechargeable battery pack. When fully charged, a battery will typically provide a minimum of 4 hours of operation.
Back Pressure Effect on Accuracy:
A nominal 10 foot UL-type line power cord with integral transparent three prong hospital grade connector
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Sabratek 3030 infusion pumps.
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1 ml/hr to 999 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
1 ml to 9999 ml in 1 ml increments
+/-5% with standard, soft sets
Linear peristaltic
approximately 10.5 lbs (4.5 kg)
8″ (20.5 cm)H x 5.5″ (14 cm)W x 6.25″ (16 cm)D
110V AC, 10 Watts, 50/60 Hz
100 to 130V AC
0.25 Amp AC line fuse
12 volt, rechargeable
6 to 7 hrs at 125 ml/hr (run-time depends on the state of the battery charge)
approximately 24 hours from empty battery
LO: 8 psi, +/- 5 psi, HI: 20 psi, +/- 5 psi
1 ml/hr; 1 to 9 ml/hr in Intermittent delivery
approximately 10′ long, hospital grade
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6301 infusion pumps.
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32.5 cm W x 13 cm D X 29 cm H (13 in W x 5.1 in D x 11.4 in H)
12.0″ x 14.75″ x 7.5″ (30.5 cm x 37.5 cm x 19.1 cm)
8.1 Kg (17.9 lb)
12 volt, 2.0 ampere, sealed lead acid
80% charged within 8 hr.
6 hr at 1-1,400 mL/hr (4 hr with both channels operating at 1-1,400 mL/hr)
Biomed replaceable 2.75 m (9 ft)
Less than 50 micro-amps (per UL 544)
.8 ampere, 250 volt, slow-blow
RS232 serial port
15.5-37.7ºC (60-100ºF)
115 VAC, 60 HZ, 50 W
Primary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-1999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments.Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Secondary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments
1.0-99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments or 1-9999 mL in 1 mL increments for both primary and secondary. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Total VTBI: 100-9,999 in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Delay Time: 00:00 – 08:00 hours in minute increments.
Run Time: 01:00 – 16:00 hours in minute increments.
Ramp Up: 00:00 to 45% of the Run Time, in minute increments.
Ramp Down: 00-00 to the Run Time minus Ramp Up, in minute Increments.
Air-in-Line Detection:
Factory set to NORM, which causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 75 uL or larger. The MIN setting causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 50 ul or larger.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6201 infusion pumps.
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Linear Peristaltic Volumetric Infusion Pump
5 mL/hr or programmed rate, whichever is less
Available through the COMMUNICATIONS PORT
12 Volt, 2.0 Ah sealed lead-acid
Approximately 6 hours with pump running at a rate from 1 to 1400 mL/hr
8 hours for more than 80% recharge
110/120V, 60 Hz
2.9 m (9 ft) long, with hospital grade plug
0.5 A, 250V, SB, 5.2 mm (13/64 in) x 20 mm (25/32 in)
Less than 50 microamps (using UL-544 specified test methods)
Approximately 5.3 kg (11.6 lbs)
20 cm W x 13 cm D x 29 cm H (7.9″ W x 5.1″ D x 11.4″ H)
Primary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-1999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Secondary program:
1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments
1.0-99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments or 1-9999 mL in 1 mL increments for both primary and secondary. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Total VTBI: 100-9,999 in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Delay Time:
00:00 – 08:00 hours in minute increments.
Run Time:
01:00 – 16:00 hours in minute increments.
Ramp Up:
00:00 to 45% of the Run Time, in minute increments.
Ramp Down:
00-00 to the Run Time minus Ramp Up, in minute Increments.
Factory set to NORM, which causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 75 uL or larger. The MIN setting causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 50 ul or larger.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6200 infusion pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
24 cm W x 16 cm D x 27 cm H (9.5″ W x 6″ D x 11″ H)
Rechargeable, 8-volt sealed lead-acid
24 hours to completely recharge
Replaceable 2.4 m (8 ft) long with hospital-grade plug
Type 0.5A, 250V, SB 6.35 mm
Less than 20 microamps (per UL 544)
Molded plastic
10º-40º C (50º – 104º F)
6.7 kg (14 lb)
115 VAC, 60 HZ, 10 Watts
1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
1-9999 mL in both primary and secondary
1-5 mL/hr
Approximately 5 hours on fully charged batteries at 125 mL/hr
Air bubbles 1/3 in (.05 mL) or longer
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Sigma 6000+ infusion pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Linear peristaltic
7-5/8″ H x 3-5/8″ W x 7-1/2″ D (193 mm x 92 mm x 190 mm)
10.2 lbs (4.6 kg)
105 – 135 volts AC, 50-60 Hz, 0.5 Amps.
Approx. 8 hrs – on fully charged battery (18 hr. charge time required)
<0.1 ohm
<10 microamp
0.1-999 ml/hr
± 5%
0.1-9999 ml
1 ml/hr, <1 ml/hr = infusion rate
12 ±6 psi
Air bubble in. (0.1 ml) or larger
Proximal Occlusion/Empty
Bottle (requires optional flow sensor)
Program Complete
H/L Rate, Pump Fail, Multifail and Bad Prom
Check Tube
Open Door
Infusion Complete
Low Battery/Plug In
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Pulmonetic LTV-1000 ventilators.
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Bare | With Caps | |
Height | 3 inches (8 cm) | 3.25 inches (8.4 cm) |
Width | 10 inches (25 cm) | 10.5 inches (27 cm) |
Depth | 12 inches (30 cm) | 13.5 inches (38 cm) |
Bare | 13.4 lbs (5.83 kg) |
With Caps | 14.5 lbs (6.5 kg) |
External power: Green(Full Power), Amber(Low Power)
Charge status: Flashing Amber(Pretest), Green(Charge Complete), Amber(Charging),
Red(Charger or Battery Fault)
Battery level: Green(Acceptable), Amber(Low), Red(Critically Low)
Peak inspiratory pressure: | 0 to 120 cmH2O |
Mean airway pressure: | 0 to 99 cmH2O |
PEEP: | 0 to 99 cmH2O |
Total breath rate: | 0 to 250 bpm |
Airway pressure display: | -10 to 108 cmH2O |
Inhale/Exhale ratio: | 99:1 to 1:99 |
Calculated peak flow: | 10 to 100 lpm |
Patient effort: | Green LED |
Disconnect/sense line
Low and lost external power
Low and empty internal battery
Ventilator inoperative Red LED, audible alarm
Apnea interval | 10 to 60 seconds |
High pressure limit | 5 to 100 cmH2O |
Low peak pressure Off | 1 to 60 cmH2O |
Alarm volume | 60 to 80 dBA at 1 meter |
Alarm silence/reset | 60 seconds |
Biomed replaceable 2.75 m (9 ft)
NPPV (Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation) mode
Apnea back-up ventilation
The LTV-Series of Ventilators all look, act, and, feel alike with the exception of which controls and features are installed in each model. The following list is unique to this model.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Pulmonetic LTV-1000 ventilators.
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Bare | With Caps | |
Height | 3 inches (8 cm) | 3.25 inches (8.4 cm) |
Width | 10 inches (25 cm) | 10.5 inches (27 cm) |
Depth | 12 inches (30 cm) | 13.5 inches (38 cm) |
Bare | 13.4 lbs (5.83 kg) |
With Caps | 14.5 lbs (6.5 kg) |
External power: Green(Full Power), Amber(Low Power)
Charge status: Flashing Amber(Pretest), Green(Charge Complete), Amber(Charging),
Red(Charger or Battery Fault)
Battery level: Green(Acceptable), Amber(Low), Red(Critically Low)
Peak inspiratory pressure: | 0 to 120 cmH2O |
Mean airway pressure: | 0 to 99 cmH2O |
PEEP: | 0 to 99 cmH2O |
Total breath rate: | 0 to 250 bpm |
Airway pressure display: | -10 to 108 cmH2O |
Inhale/Exhale ratio: | 99:1 to 1:99 |
Calculated peak flow: | 10 to 100 lpm |
Patient effort: | Green LED |
Disconnect/sense line
Low and lost external power
Low and empty internal battery
Ventilator inoperative Red LED, audible alarm
Apnea interval | 10 to 60 seconds |
High pressure limit | 5 to 100 cmH2O |
Low peak pressure Off | 1 to 60 cmH2O |
Alarm volume | 60 to 80 dBA at 1 meter |
Alarm silence/reset | 60 seconds |
Biomed replaceable 2.75 m (9 ft)
NPPV (Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation) mode
Apnea back-up ventilation
The LTV-Series of Ventilators all look, act, and, feel alike with the exception of which controls and features are installed in each model. The following list is unique to this model.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Zevex Infinity enteral pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
1.95″H x 5.65″W x 4.05″D
14.4 oz
Flow Rate Range:
0.1-9.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments
0-600 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
Dose Range:
0.1-9.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
10-999 ml in 1 ml increments
1000-3000 ml in 10 ml increments
Rechargeable Lithium Ion
Battery Life:
24 hours at 125 ml/hr
Recharge Time:
Approximately 6 hours
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Zevex Enteralite enteral pumps
Request a Quote for this product now.
5″H x 4.5″W x 2″D
1.3 pounds
Operating Range:
1 – 600 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
3000 ml in 10 ml increments
Rechargeable NiMH
Battery Life:
24 hours at 125 ml/hr
Recharge Time:
5 hours
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Ross Medical Patrol enteral pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
8.5″H x 6.5″W x 4.8″d
6.6 pounds
Operating Range:
1-300 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
100-130 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Watts
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid
Recharge Time:
4.5 hours turned off; 12 hours running
Battery Life:
8 hours at 125 ml/hr when fully charged
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Ross Medical Flexiflo Companion enteral pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
8.25″H x 7.5″W x 6″D
7.2 pounds
Operating Range:
1-300 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
100-130 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 4 Watts
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid
Recharge Time:
8 hours turned off; 12 hours running
Battery Life:
8 hours at 125 ml/hr when fully charged
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Ross Companion Enteral Pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
4.3″H x 6″W x 1.7″D pump only
6″H x 6.7″W x 3.3″D with charger
1.5 pounds pump only
4 pounds with charger
Operating Range:
5-300 ml/hr in 1ml/hr increments
120VAC, 60 Hz, 2 watts
Rechargeable sealed lead-acid
Recharge Rate:
1-1/2 hours for every 1 hour of battery use
Battery Life:
8 hours at 150 ml/hr when fully charged
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kangaroo PET enteral pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
5.75″H x 3.81″W x 2″D pump only
6.25″H x 4.5″W x 4.6″D with charger
1.4 pounds pump only
2 pounds with charger
Charge Time:
“Quick Charge” in 6 hours
Battery Life:
14 hours at 125 ml/hr
Operating Range:
1-75 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
75-400 ml/hr in 5 ml/hr increments
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kangaroo 324 enteral pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
7.25″H x 5.5″W x 4.25″D
4 lbs
Battery Life:
24 hours at 125 ml/hr
Battery Charge Time:
Approximately 15 hours
Operating Range:
1-50 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
50-300 ml/hr in 5 ml/hr increments
5-2000 ml in 5 ml increments
Volume Delivered:
1-9999 ml
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kangaroo 224 Enteral Pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
7.25″H x 5.5″W x 4.25″D
6 lbs
Battery Life:
24 hours at 125 ml/hr
Battery Charge Time:
Approximately 15 hours
Operating Range:
5-300 ml/hr in 5 ml increments
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter AS50 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Approx. 3.4″W x 2.6″D x 10″H
Approx. 3.2 lbs.
Flow Rate Accuracy:
± 3% of full scale plunger travel (not including syringe tolerance)
Volume Accuracy:
± 3%, or 0.007″ of travel, whichever is greater (not including syringe tolerance)
B-D: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 mL plastic
Monoject: 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 35, 60 mL
Terumo: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 mL
Flow Rate Range:
0.01 mL/hr to 438 mL/hr, depending on the syringe
Delivery Volume:
Full syringe volume for 1-60 mL syringes
Data Display:
Self-prompting, multi-field LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Status Display:
Nine-LED (Light Emitting Diode) array
Power Requirements:
AC: 105-125V 60 Hz (battery charger)
DC: internal rechargeable battery pack
Battery Operating Time:
5 hours of operation at 100 mL/hr, or 12 hours of operation at 2 mL/hr using a 60 mL syringe, following a charge of not less than 16 hours.
Temperature Range:
50º F to 104º F (10º C to 40º C) Delivery of high viscosity fluids at low temperatures is not recommended
Elastomeric type, with tactile feedback
Water-resistant, high-impact plastic case with removable protective bumpers
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 3500 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
10.5″W x 5.1″H x 5.5″D
3.8 lbs without pole clamp
± 2% excluding syringe variations
Flow Rate Range:
0.01 ml/hr to 1130 ml/hr depending on syringe size
Delivery Modes:
ml/hr, body weight, mass, volume over time, customer dilution, and intermittent
Delivery Options:
Loading Dose, Bolus Dose, Standby, Volume Limit, and KVO Rate
100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 30VA
Internal rechargeable battery
Optional external DC Input, 6-14 VDC, 7 Watts
Safety Class II – Type CF
Internal Battery Capacity:
10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with 60 ml syringe
User Defined Delivery Libraries:
Four Libraries with 16 profiles per library
MR Tested:
May be used in MRI Rooms with static magnetic fields up to 150 gauss
PharmGuard™ Error Reduction Software for programmable limits
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 3010a syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
10.5″W x 5.1″H x 5.5″D
3.8 lbs without pole clamp
±2% excluding syringe variations
Flow Rate:
0.01 ml/hr to 1130 ml/hr depending on syringe size
Delivery Modes:
ml/hr, body weight, mass, volume over time, customer dilution, and intermittent
Delivery Options:
Loading Dose, Bolus Dose, Standby, Volume Limit, and KVO Rate
100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 30VA
Internal rechargeable battery
Optional external DC Input, 6-14 VDC, 7 Watts
Safety Class II – Type CF
Internal Battery Capacity:
10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with 60 ml syringe
User Defined Delivery Libraries:
Four Libraries with 16 profiles per library
MR Tested:
May be used in MRI Rooms with static magnetic fields up to 150 gauss
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2010i syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
4.5″ W x 3.0″ H x 7.5″ L
2.5 pounds
±3% excluding syringe variations
Infusion Modes:
Body Weight modes:
– μg/kg/min μg/kg/min
– MG/kg/min MG/kg/HR
Mass Modes:
– μg/min μg/HR
– MG/min MG/HR
– mU/min mU/HR
– U/min U/HR
Continuous Mode:
– ml/min ml/HR
Volume Over Time Mode:
– Volume/time
Flow Rate:
0.01 to 378.0 ml/HR dependent on syringe size selected
Bolus Delivery:
In Body Weight, Mass and Continuous Modes
AC Adapter – DC internal rechargeable batteries
Recharge Time:
No longer than 16 hours with the pump turned off
Battery Capacity:
at 25°C, a 16 hour charge will operate the pump for approximately 10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with a 60 ml syringe.
Near Empty (5 to 60 minutes), Empty, Dose Volume Delivered, Bolus Complete, Bolus Delivery, Occlusion, System Malfunction, Low Battery, Depleted Battery, Syringe Pops Out, Invalid Size, Invalid Number, Check Clutch, Alarm Temporary Delay: 2 or 60 minutes, Alarm Audio Volume: Soft or Loud, Load Syringe Plunger
Status Alerts Visual, Non Audible:
Stop/Program, Deliver, Battery In Use, Battery Charging, Battery Depleted, Priming, Standby Mode, Back Light
Total Delivery:
From 0.0000 to 9999.9999 MG
From 0.00 to 9999.99 ml
From 0.0000 to 9999.9999 U
Syringe Options/Sizes:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D®): 1,3,5,10,20,30,60 ml
Monoject®(Mono): 1,3,6,12,20,35,60 ml
Terumo® (Teru): 1,3,5,10,20,30,60 ml
Becton-Dickinson Glass (BG-G) 1,3,5,10 ml
Abboject®: 50 ml
Please note the following:
Automatically senses syringe size (except B-D 1 cc Luer Lock Syringe) All syringes will fill to their maximum stated volume
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2010 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Overall Size:
4.5″W x 3″ H x 7.5″L
2.5 pounds
±3% (excluding syringe variations)
Infusion Modes:
Body Weight modes: mcg/kg/min, mcg/kg/hr, mg/kg/min, mg/kg/hr
Mass Modes: mg/hr
Continuous Modes: ml/hr
Volume/Time Mode: Dose Volume/Delivery Time
Flow Rate:
0.01 – 378.0 ml/hr – dependent upon syringe size selected
Bolus Rate:
Up to 378.0 ml/hr – dependent upon syringe size selected
Syringe Selection:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D)® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Monoject® 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 35, 60 ml
Terumo® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Syringe Fill Volume:
All syringe sizes will fill to maximum stated volumes
AC Adapter; DC Internal Rechargeable Batteries
Battery Capacity:
16 hour charge will operate the pump for approximately 10 hours at 5.0 ml/hr with a 60 ml syringe
Recharge Time:
No Longer than 16 Hours
Near Empty
System Malfunction
Low/Depleted Battery
Load Syringe Plunger
Check Clutch
Syringe Pops Out
Invalid Size
Invalid Number
Alarm Audio: Soft or Loud
Alarm Temporary Delay: 2 or 60 minutes
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Medex Medfusion 2001 syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Overall Size:
4.5″ W X 3.0″ H X 7.5″ L
2.5 pounds
±3%, excluding syringe variations
Infusion Modes:
Continuous, Volume Over Time, Intermittent Auto, Intermittent Manual
Flow Rate:
00.01 to 378.0 ml per hour dependent upon syringe size selected
Syringe Selection:
Becton-Dickinson (B-D)® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Monoject® 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 35, 60 ml
Terumo® 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ml
Automatically senses syringe size except for B-D 1 cc Luer-lock syringe
Syringe Fill Volume:
All syringe sizes will fill to maximum stated volumes
AC95-135V; 60 Hz DC-Internal rechargeable batteries International voltage available
Recharge Time:
With Pump Off: 16 hours
Battery Capacity:
16 hour charge will operate the pump for at least 10 hours at 5.0 ml per hour with a 60 ml syringe
Total Volume Delivered:
000.00 to 999.99 ml increments of 0.01 ml
Volume Limit:
00.00 to maximum capacity of syringe size (with minimum Programmable volume of 0.05 ml increments of 0.01 ml.
0.1 to 9.9 ml per hour in increments of 0.1 ml (cannot exceed primary rate)
Near Empty:
Volume Limit
System Malfunction
Depleted Battery
Invalid Size
Check Clutch
Battery Charging
Low Battery
Syringe Pops Out
Invalid Number
Battery In Use
Battery Depleted/Plug in AC
Standby Mode
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Graseby MS26 syringe pumps.
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6.5″W x 0.9″D x 2.1″H
6.5 oz including battery
9 volt alkaline
Battery Life:
50 full syringes
Infusion Period Range:
12 hours – 60 days
Speed Range:
variable setting – 0-99mm/hr
Syringe Sizes:
Disposable 2-35 cc syringes
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Graseby MS16A syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
6.5″W x 0.9″D x 2.1″H
6 oz including battery
9 volt alkaline
Battery Life:
50 full syringes
Infusion Period Range:
30 minutes to 60 hours
Speed Range:
variable setting – 0-99mm/hr
Syringe Sizes:
Disposable 2-35 cc syringes
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter/Bard PCAII syringe pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Mode of Operation:
Syringe Types:
50 ml Prefilled Syringe
Monoject, 60 ml plastic
B-D, 60 ml plastic
Flow Rates:
0.1 to 150 ml/hour, depending on the cartridge
Dose: ±3% average linear displacement
Rate: ±3% average linear rate
Occlusion Force:
9.5 ±1.3% lbs, equivalent to 11 psig nominal pressure
Front Panel Controls:
Sealed tactile and audible feedback membrane switches:
– Start/Stop
– Enter
– Clear
– 0-9 and decimal point
– ON and OFF switches inside the locking syringe cover.
Security Features:
Locking syringe cover with key lock
Lockable IV pole clamp. Cartridge contained within locking syringe cover
Description on the message panel: 8 lines x 14 characters Each, alphanumeric LCD
Four D-size alkaline cells
Battery Life:
Alkaline: 600 hours typical (expected battery replacement period: 30 days)
13.0″H x 6.3″W x 2.8″D
4.2 pounds with batteries
Environmental Use & Storage:
Operation: 32 F to 122 F 0-90% rh (non-condensing)
Non-operational: -4 F to 140 F 0-95% rh (non-condensing)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter InfusOR syringe pumps.
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9.2″H x 4.5″W x 2″D
2lbs with batteries
Monoject® or BD® 20cc or 60cc
Flow Rates:
0-600 ml/hr
Flow Profile:
Bolus: continuous. Infusion: pulsed intermittently
Max Occlusion Pressure:
11 psi with 60 cc syringe; 20 psi with 20 cc syringe
Four “C” Alkaline Batteries
Battery Life:
Typical use: 150 hours
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter AS40A syringe pumps.
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Approx. 3.4″W x 2.6″D x 10″H
Approx. 2.75 lbs.
±3% (not including syringe tolerance) For volume infusions: ±3%, or .007″ of travel, whichever is greater (not including syringe tolerance)
B-D Plastipak – 3, 5, 10, 20, 20, 60 mL
Monoject – 1, 3, 5, 12, 20, 35, 60 mL
Terumo – 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 mL
Flow Rate Range:
0.01 mL/hr to 360 mL/hr (dependent on syringe size)
Deliverable Volume:
The full syringe volume can be delivered
Data Display:
Self-prompting, multi-field LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Status Display:
Nine-LED (Light Emitting Diode) array
Power Requirements:
AC: 105-125V 50 Hz (battery charger)
DC: internal nickel-cadmium battery pack
Battery Life:
12 hours of operation at 2 mL/hr using a 60 mL syringe, following a 16 hour charge
Temperature Range:
0 ºC to 45 ºC (32 ºF to 113 ºF) Note: Delivery of high viscosity Fluids at low temperatures is not recommended.
Elastomeric type with tactile feedback
High-impact plastic case with removable protective Bumpers. Water resistant
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Bard/Baxter 150XL/300XL Mini Infuser syringe pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
8.5″H x 4.5″W x 1.6″D
1 lb 12 oz with batteries
Accuracy Travel:
Approximately 1 ml in 35 seconds
Battery Life:
Variable from 0.1 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr) to 20.0 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr)
0.1 ml/hr
Flow Profile:
5 to 100 minutes in 1 minute increments
Rate (Travel):
10 to 20 psi
Occlusion Detection Time:
110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 25 W
Occlusion Force:
0.250 amperes, time lag
Stored Volume on Occlusion:
One 8 VDC, four cell sealed lead acid rechargeable battery pack. When fully charged, a battery will typically provide a minimum of 4 hours of operation.
Back Pressure Effect on Accuracy:
A nominal 10 foot UL-type line power cord with integral transparent three prong hospital grade connector
Save up to 80% on pre-owned B. Braun McGaw BD 360 syringe pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
Lead screw
5.75″W x 9.75″H x 3″ D
2 lbs, including batteries
4, C-size Alkaline batteries
Battery Operating Time:
Approximately 400 hours
Rate Range:
1.5 to 360 ml/hr depending on syringe size
Occlusion Pressure:
8.4 to 36.4 psig
±3% using BD 5-60 cc Plastipak syringes
– Occlusion
– Delivery time set out of range for syringe size
– Low battery
– Infusion complete
– Pump malfunction
Compatible Syringes:
3-60 cc plastic syringes
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris Medley Syringe pump module.
Request a Quote for this product now.
4.5″W x 15.0″H x 7.5″D
4.5 lbs
Positive Displacement
0.01-9.99 ml/hr in 0.01 ml increments
10-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
100-999 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
0.1-9.9 ml in 0.01 ml increments
10-60 ml in 0.1 ml increments
50-60 ml syringe – 0.1-999 ml/hr
30 ml syringe – 0.1-650 ml/hr
20 ml syringe – 0.1-500 ml/hr
10 ml syringe – 0.1-250 ml/hr
5 ml syringe – 0.1-150 ml/hr
3 ml syringe – 0.01-100 ml/hr
1 ml syringe – 0.01-30 ml/hr
1ml/hr or selected rate, whichever is lower
800 mmHg without pressure sensing disc
1060 mmHg with pressure sensing disc
±2% of full scale plunger travel not including syringe variation
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris Medley PCA pump module.
Request a Quote for this product now.
4.5″W x 15.0″H x 7.5″D exclusive of security door
5.5 lbs.
Positive Displacement
mg, mcg, mL, mg/h, mcg/h, mL/h
0.10-9.99 ml/hr in 0.01 ml increments
10-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
100-999 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
50-60 ml syringe – 0.1-999 ml/hr
30-35 ml syringe – 0.1-650 ml/hr
20 ml syringe – 0.1-500 ml/hr
Low, Medium, and High
±2% of full scale plunger travel not including syringe variation
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Hospira/Abbott 4100 PCA+2 syringe pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
8″W x 13″H x 6″D
15 lbs
PCA Mode:
Approximately 1 ml in 35 seconds
Continuous Mode:
Variable from 0.1 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr) to 20.0 x concentration (mg/hr or µg/hr)
PCA Mode:
Approximately 1 ml in 35 seconds
KVO Rate:
0.1 ml/hr
Lockout Interval Range:
5 to 100 minutes in 1 minute increments
Backpressure Range:
10 to 20 psi
Power Requirement:
110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 25 W
0.250 amperes, time lag
One 8 VDC, four cell sealed lead acid rechargeable battery pack. When fully charged, a battery
will typically provide a minimum of 4 hours of operation.
Power Cord:
A nominal 10 foot UL-type line power cord with integral transparent three prong hospital grade connector
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 500 AED
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Zoll PD 1400 Defibrillators.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 12
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 9P Defibrillators.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 300 AED
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 11 (Monitor)
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 11 Defibrillators.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Physio Control Lifepak 10
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Philips HeartStart Onsite AED
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Philips HeartStart FR2+ AED
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned HP Codemaster M1722B
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Curlin 6000 CMS ambulatory pumps.
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Modes of Operation:
PCA with IV
Pump Mechanism:
Curvilinear Peristaltic
5″ H x 4″ W x 2.5″ D
18.1 oz
Flow Rates:
0.1 ml to 400 ml/hr
Volume Limits:
1.0 ml to 9,999 ml
KVO Rates:
0.0 to 10 ml/hr
Power Sources:
2 “C” alkaline batteries; AC and external rechargeable battery pack.
Battery Life:
Nominal 10 hrs at 400 ml/hr
Nominal 30 hrs at 125 ml/hr
Nominal 85 hrs at 2 ml/hr
Air-in-line, high upstream pressure, occlusion upstream, occlusion downstream, door open, set not installed, unattended pump, replace set, empty battery
Bolus cord, pole clamp, and external rechargeable battery pack
Real-time line pressure, shift totals, on-screen hourly totals, highly visible large fonts, quick repeat feature, continuous back-light-on with AC power, titration in continuous and PCA modes, unused therapies can be locked out, four (4) access levels for security, on-line & context sensitive help screens, data interface port, printable history log
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Curlin 4000 CMS ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Modes of Operation:
PCA with IV, Epidural, or Sub-Q Delivery
TPN with ramping
Variable with 24 specified doses
Pump Mechanism:
Curvilinear peristaltic
5″ H x 4″ W x 2.5″ D
17.5 oz
Flow Rates:
0.1 ml to 400 ml/hr
Volume Limits:
1.0 ml to 9999 ml
KVO Rates:
0.0 to 10 ml/hr; default to 0.1 ml/hr
Power Sources:
2 “C” alkaline batteries; AC and external rechargeable battery pack.
Battery Life:
Nominal 10 hrs at 400 ml/hr
Nominal 30 hrs at 125 ml/hr
Nominal 85 hrs at 2 ml/hr
Infusion Complete, Air-in-line, Occlusion Upstream, Occlusion Downstream, Door Open, Set Not Installed, Unattended Pump, Replace Set, High Upstream pressure, Empty Battery
Bolus Cord, rechargeable battery pack, soft carry packs, lock boxes (150 ml and 250 ml), pole clamp, and data cable
RS232 data port, three lock levels, titration in continuous and PCA modes, and printable history log.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Legacy PCA ambulatory pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Resolution:
0.050 ml per pump stroke nominal
1.6″ D x 3.8″ W x 4.4″ H excluding cassette
13.8 oz including 2 AA batteries and empty 100 ml reservoir
Power Source:
2 AA alkaline batteries or AC Adapter
Maximum Infusion Pressure:
40.0 psi
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
Maximum Time to Occlusion Alarm:
2.0 hours
Delivery Rate During Priming:
Approximately 180 ml/hr
Continuous Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1 to 9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Continuous Rate:
0.1 to 125 ml/hr; programmable in 0.1 ml/hr increments
0 to 99999.95 in 0.05 ml increments
Intermittent Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1 to 9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Dose Volume:
0.1 to 1000 ml programmable in 0.1 ml increments
Dose Duration:
1 min to 24 hrs in the following increments:
– 1 minute for values between 1 min and 10 min
– 5 minutes for values above 10 min
Dose Cycle:
10 min to 96 hrs in 5 min increments
KVO Rate:
0 to 125 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments
Dose Starts In:
Immediate or 1 min to 96 hrs in the following increments:
– 1 min for values between 0 min and 10 min
– 5 min for values between 10 min and 96 hrs
0 to 99999.95 in 0.05 ml increments
Dose Remaining:
1 minute increments
Pump Alarms:
– low battery power
– depleted battery power
– battery dislodged
– pump stopped
– pump fault
– low reservoir volume
– high delivery pressure
– air in line
– disposable not attached when run attempted
– motor locked
– upstream occlusion
– reservoir volume empty
– program incomplete
– key stuck
– disposable detached
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Legacy Plus ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Resolution:
0.050 ml per pump stroke nominal
1.6″ D x 3.8″ W x 4.4″ H excluding cassette
13.8 oz including 2 AA batteries and empty 100 ml reservoir
Power Source:
2 AA alkaline batteries or AC Adapter
Maximum Infusion Pressure:
40.0 psi
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
Maximum Time to Occlusion Alarm:
2.0 hours
Delivery Rate During Priming:
Approximately 180 ml/hr
Continuous Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Continuous Rate:
0.1 – 125 ml/hr; programmable in 0.1 ml/hr increments
0-99999.95 in 0.05 ml increments
Intermittent Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Dose Volume:
0.1 – 1000 ml programmable in 0.1 ml increments
Dose Duration:
1 min to 24 hrs in the following increments
– 1 minute for values between 1 min and 10 min
– 5 minutes for values above 10 min
Dose Cycle:
10 min to 96 hrs in 5 min increments
KVO Rate:
0 to 125 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments
Dose Starts In:
Immediate or 1 min to 96 hrs in the following increments
– 1 min for values between 0 min and 10 min
– 5 min for values between 10 min and 96 hrs
0-99999.95 in 0.05 ml increments
Dose Remaining:
1 minute increments
Pump Alarms:
Low battery power
depleted battery power
battery dislodged
pump stopped
pump fault
low reservoir volume
high delivery pressure
air in line
disposable not attached when run attempted
motor locked
upstream occlusion
reservoir volume empty
program incomplete
key stuck
disposable detached
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Legacy Plus ambulatory pumps.
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Pump Resolution:
0.050 ml per pump stroke nominal
1.6″ D x 3.8″ W x 4.4″ H excluding cassette
13.8 oz including 2 AA batteries and empty 100 ml reservoir
Power Source:
2 AA alkaline batteries or AC Adapter
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
Maximum Infusion Pressure:
40.0 psi
Maximum Time to Occlusion Alarm:
2.0 hours
Delivery Rate During Priming:
approximately 180 ml/hr
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use, programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Continuous Rate:
1-3000 ml/24 hr; programmable in 1 ml/24 hr increments
0-99999.95 in 0.05 ml increments
Pump Alarms:
Low battery power
depleted battery
battery dislodged
pump stopped
pump fault
low reservoir volume
high delivery pressure
air in line
disposable not attached when run attempted
motor locked
upstream occlusion
reservoir volume empty
key stuck
disposable detached
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Prizm VIP 6100/6101 ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Resolution:
Standard reservoir or set = 0.050ml/pump stroke nominal. High volume set = 0.100 ml/pump stroke nominal
1.7″ D x 4.1″ W x 5.6″ H, excluding cassette
20 oz including 9 volt battery and empty 100 ml reservoir
Power Source:
9 volt alkaline or lithium battery, External Power Source, or AC Adapter
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
PCA Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
ml, mg, mcg
mg/ml, mcg/ml
Continuous Rate:
0-30 ml/hr or the mg or mcg equivalent
Demand Dose:
0-9.9 ml, Delivery rate is 125 ml/hr nominal
Demand Dose Lockout:
5 min-24 hours in the following increments:
– 1 min for values between 5 and 20 minutes
– 5 min-24 hours in the following increments:
Max Doses Per Hour:
1-12 doses in 1 dose increments
Demand Doses Given:
Demand Dose Attempts:
0-99999.99 in 0.01 unit increments
Clinician Bolus:
0.1 ml – 20.0 ml or mg or mcg equivalent, delivery rate is 125 ml/hr nominal
Continuous Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Continuous Rate:
0.1-350 ml/hr in the following increments:
– 0.1 for values between 0.1-100
– 1 for values between 100-350
0-99999.9 in 0.1 unit increments
TPN Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
10.0 – 9990 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 increments
Infusion Volume:
10-9990 ml in 10 ml increments
Infusion Period:
0 hrs 10 min – 99 hrs 40 min in 10 minute increments
Taper Down Period:
0 hrs 0 min – 99 hrs 50 min in 10 minute increments
Plateau Rate:
Calculated by pump; 10-350 ml/hr
KVO Rate:
Calculated by pump; 1/10 of Plateau Rate up to 5 ml/hr
0-99999 in 0.1 unit increments
Intermittent Delivery Mode Specifications
Reservoir Volume:
1-9999 or Not in Use; programmable in 1 ml increments, displayed in 0.1 ml increments
Dose Volume:
0.1-1000 ml in the following increments:
– 0.1 for values between 0.0 and 100
– 1 for values between 100 and 1000
Dose Duration:
1 min-24 hrs in the following increments:
– 1 min for values between 1 min and 10 min
– 5 min for values above 10 min
– Duration is limited by Dose Volume so that rate does not exceed 350 ml/hr
Dose Cycle:
10 min – 96 hrs in 5 minute increments
KVO Rate:
0-10 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
Next Dose Start Time:
10 min – 96 hrs X min (where X equals a 10 minute increment in the 96th hour)
0-99999.9 in 0.1 unit increments
Time Remaining:
Dose and Cycle display in 1 min increments
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd 5400 Plus ambulatory pumps.
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Pump Resolution:
50 microliters per interval
1.1″ D x 3.5″ W x 6.4″ H including 50 ml reservoir
15 oz including battery and empty 50 ml reservoir
Power Source:
9 volt alkaline or lithium battery
Pump Timing Accuracy:
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
Continuous Given Range:
0-999 ml in 1 ml increments rounded down to the nearest ml
Continuous RES VOL Alarm Range:
0-1500 ml in 1 ml increments rounded up to the nearest ml
Continuous ML/HR range:
0.00-75.0 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
Intermittent ML range:
0.00-150.0 ml in 0.1 ml increments
Intermittent Period Range:
10 min-12 hours, in 10 min increments
Intermittent Cycle Range:
20 min-12 hours and 10 min (20:10), in 10 min increments; and 24 hours for a 24 hour cycle
Intermittent KVO ml/hr Range:
0.2-10.0 ml/hr, in 0.1 ml increments
Intermittent Delayed Start Range:
10 min-12 hours, in 10 min increments
Intermittent Cycle Given Range:
0 min-12 hours and 10 min (12:10), in 1 min increments; and 0-24 hours in 1 hour increments when Cycle is programmed in 24 hour mode
Intermittent Given Range:
0-999 ml in 1 ml increments rounded down to the nearest ml
Intermittent RES VOL Alarm Range:
0-1500 ml in 1 ml increments rounded up to the nearest ml
Pump Alarms:
Low battery
battery depleted
Pump in Stop Mode
controller, microprocessor, or motor fault
improper delivery
power up fault
low residual volume
high delivery pressure (22 ± 12 psi)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd 5700 TPN ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Resolution:
250 microliters per pump stroke (nominal)
1.1″ D x 3.5″ W x 5.25″H including set plate
13 oz including 9 volt battery
Power Source:
9 volt alkaline or lithium battery, or External Power Source
Pump Timing Accuracy:
System Delivery Accuracy:
±8% nominal
Reservoir residual volume:
0-9990 ml, in 10 ml increments
Infusion volume:
10-9990 ml, in 10 ml increments
Infusion Period:
10 minutes to 99 hours and 50 minutes (99:50), in 10 minute increments. The pump will control variations in the programming schedule to maintain the continuous rate within the range of 10-400 ml/hr.
Taper Up Period:
0-99 hours and 40 minutes (99:40) in 10 minute increments
Taper Down Period:
0-99 hours and 40 minutes (99:40) in 10 minute increments
Continuous Infusion Rate:
10-250 ml/hr with a 9 volt battery
10-400 ml/hr with the power pack and/or AC Adapter
The rate is established by the programmed values of infusion volume, infusion period, and tapering (if any).
Delivered Infusion Volume:
0-9990 ml, in 10 ml increments
Optional KVO infusion rate:
5 ml/hr
Pump Alarms:
Low battery power
pump in Stop mode
internal controller, microprocessor, or pump motor fault
improper delivery
power up fault
low fluid container volume
high delivery pressure (22 ± 12 psi)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Micro 5800 PCA ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Resolution:
50 microliters per interval
1.1″ D x 3.5″ W x 6.4″ H including 50 ml reservoir
Approximately 1 pound including battery and empty 50 ml reservoir
Power Source:
9-volt alkaline or lithium battery
Pump Timing Accuracy:
System Delivery Accuracy:
±6% nominal
Continuous Rate:
0-20 ml/hr or 0-99.5 mg/hr, depending on concentration
Patient Activated Dose Intervals:
5 min – 999 min in 1 min increments
Patient Activated Doses per Hour:
0-12 over the last 60 minute period
Accumulated Delivery:
0-999 mg or ml, rounded down according to concentration setting
Number of Patient Activated Doses Delivered:
Number of Patient Activated Doses Attempted:
Reservoir Volume Range:
1-999 ml rounded up to the nearest ml in 1 ml increments
Given Range:
0-999 mg or ml
Clinician Activated Bolus:
0-20 ml or 0-99.5 mg, depending on concentration
Patient Activated Dose:
0-6 ml or 0-99.0 mg, depending on concentration
Pump Alarms:
Low battery
Battery Depleted
Pump in Stop Mode
Controller, microprocessor, or motor fault
Improper Delivery
Power Up Fault
Low Residual volume
RES VOL = 000
High Delivery Pressure (28 ± 12 psi)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Cadd Micro 5900 ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Delivery Modes:
Continuous, Programmed automatic dosing, and demand dosing
0.9″ D x 3″ H x 4.7″ W
9 oz including battery and empty reservoir
9 volt alkaline or lithium battery
Reservoir Volume:
0-10.5 ml in 0.1 ml increments
Continuous Rate:
0.02 – 2 ml in 0.002 ml increments
Demand Dose Amount:
0.02 – 1 ml in 0.002 ml increments
Demand Dose Duration:
5-15 minutes in 1 minute increments or FAST
15 minutes – 24 hours in 5 minute increments
Lockout Time:
0-1 hour in 1 minute increments
1-23 hours 55 minutes in 5 minute increments
Automatic Dose Start Time:
0-23 hours 55 minutes in 5 minute increments
Automatic Dose Amount:
0.02 – 1 ml in 0.002 ml increments, or 1 – 10ml in 0.01 ml increments
Automatic Dose Duration:
5-15 minutes in 1 minute increments, 15 minutes to 24 hours in 5 minute increments, or FAST
FAST Duration:
Dose is delivered at a rate of 12 ml/hr (0.2 ml/minute)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Sabratek 6060 ambulatory pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Pump Mechanism:
Rotary Peristaltic
4.7″ H x 3.9″ W x 2.3″ D
Approximately 1 pound with batteries
Power Requirements:
12-18 VDC, 50 mA maximum
Internal Battery:
2 9-Volt alkaline or lithium batteries
Rechargeable External Battery Pack:
External lead acid battery pack 1.3 mA, rechargeable with appropriate Battery Eliminator/Charger
AC Power:
AC Powered using Battery Eliminator/Charger connected to EXT POWER connector on device
Battery Life:
25 hours at 125 ml/hr and low pressure with internal alkaline batteries
45 hours at 125 ml/hr and low pressure with internal lithium batteries
40 hours at 125 ml/hr and low pressure with rechargeable external battery pack
KVO Rate:
Selectable between 0.1 – 10 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
Flow Rates:
0.1 – 99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments
100-400 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
0.1 – 999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
1000-9999 ml in 1 ml increments
Volume Accuracy:
±6% at 60° – 90°F, 0 – 8 psi back pressure
±10% at 40° – 100°F, 9 – 18 psi back pressure
Priming Rate:
6 ml priming volume at 200 ml/hr
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter I-Pump ambulatory pumps.
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Modes of Operation:
PCA, Basal + PCA, and Continuous
Range of Flow Rates:
0.1 – 90.0 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
Flow Rates:
Basal Rate: 0.1 – 9.9 ml/hr
Continuous Rate: 0.1 – 19.9 ml/hr
PCA Dose, Bolus, and Priming Rate: 90 ml/hr
Bolus: 0 – 49.9 ml/dose
PCA: 0 – 9.9 ml/dose
Power Source:
9-Volt Alkaline Battery or AC Power Supply
AC Power Requirements:
100-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
4.9″ H x 3.4″ W x 1.8″ D without Fluid Bag Cover
Approximately 1 pound
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter APII ambulatory pumps.
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Product Specifications
Modes of Operation:
PCA, Basal + PCA, and Continuous
Flow Rate Accuracy:
Flow Rates:
Basal Rate: 0.1 – 9.9 ml/hr
Continuous Rate: 0.1 – 19.9 ml/hr
PCA Dose, Bolus, and Priming Rate: 90 ml/hr
Occlusion Detection:
22 ± 10 psi measured immediately distal of the pumping mechanism
PCA Dose Volume Selection:
0.0 – 9.9 ml
Bolus Volume Selections:
0.0 – 9.9 ml
Reservior Volume Selections:
1 – 1999 ml
One Hour Limit Selections:
0.1 – 60.0 ml/hr
Delay Time Selections:
3 – 240 minutes
Power Source:
9-Volt Alkaline Battery or AC Power Supply
Drive Mechanism:
DC Motor, Microprocessor Controlled, Precision Linear Peristaltic Pumping Mechanism
Shock and Vibration Resistant ABS
4.9″ H x 3.4″ W x 1.8″ D without Fluid Bag Cover
Approximately 1 pound
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Hospira/Abbott Labs Plum A+ infusion pumps.
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8″ H x 8″ W x 6″ D, excluding pole clamp
9.5 lbs. with battery
High-impact plastic
0.1-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
100-999 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
0.5 ml/hr minimum for each line
500 ml/hr cumulative (A+B) maximum
1.0 ml/hr or the last primary delivery rate, whichever is less
0.1-99.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
100-9999 ml in 1 ml increments
120V, 50-60 Hz, 35VA
F1, F2, 250V, 0.5A
Hospital Grade AC Cord 10 ft long
One sealed lead acid, rechargeable 6V battery, internal
With a new fully charged battery, the infuser shall operate for a minimum of 6 hours at 125 ml/hr or less, or deliver 500 ml at 126 ml/hr or greater on one line
The battery charges whenever the pump is connected to AC power. The recharge time is approximately 6 hours with the device operating at 125 ml/hr on one line
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Hospira (Abbott) Plum XL3 infusion pumps.
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13.75″H x 12.2″W x 7.5″D
20 lbs. with batteries
High impact plastic
0.1-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
100-999 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
0.1-99.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
100-9999 ml in 1 ml increments
The lower of 1 ml/hr or the primary delivery rate
10 psig (+5, -2 psig)
100-130 VAC, 47/63 Hz, less than 60W
Hospital grade AC cord, 10ft long
1.0 A, 250V, slow blowing
Rechargeable and sealed, lead acid 8V batteries
A fully charged battery set will provide operating time of approximately 4 hours when all pumping units operate simultaneously at a rate of 125 ml/hr or a cumulative delivery of 1000 ml at any combination of rates and pumping units.
Recharge takes approximately 6 hours when the device is turned off
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Hospira (Abbott) Plum XLD infusion pumps.
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Approximately 8.25H x 7.5W x 8.75D inches (including pole clamp)
Approximately 7.75 lbs (with battery)
High-impact plastic
100-130 Vac, 50 to 60 Hz, less than 35 W
Hospital-grade AC (mains) cord. 10 feet long, with transparent plug
0.5 A, 250 V. slo-blo
Sealed lead-acid rechargeable 8 V battery, internal to infusion system. Accessible for ease of field replacement, with color-coded leads and polarized connector.
A fully charged new battery will provide eight hours of operation at 125 ml/hr, or 1000 ml total volume delivered, whichever occurs first
The battery charges whenever the infusion system is connected to AC (mains) power. If the infusion system is operating at 125 ml/hr, a full recharge takes approximately 16 hours. If the infusion system is turned to OFF/CHARGE, recharge takes approximately eight hours.
.1 to 99.9 ml/hr
1 to 999 ml/hr (in 1 ml increments)
1 ml/hr
1 to 9999 ml/hr (in 1 ml increments)
10 psig (+5, -2 psig)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Hospira (Abbott) Plum 5000 infusion pumps.
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Approximately 18 x 23 x 23 cm (7 x 9 x 9 in), excluding pole clamp protrusion and power cord storage
Approximately 6.0 Kg (13 lb), with battery
High-impact plastic
110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 30 W
Hospital-grade AC cord. 8 ft long, with transparent Plug and retainer plate
0.5 A, 250 V, Slow Blowing
One sealed, lead-acid, rechargeable 8 V battery, Internal to device. Accessible for ease of field replacement, with color-coded leads and polarized connector. Battery life (new batteries, full charge, at 20 C) approximately 500 mL total volume delivered or six hours of operation, whichever occurs first.
0.1 to 99.9 mL/hr (in o.1 mL. Increments) The total of the primary rate plus the secondary rate cannot exceed 99.9 mL/hr in Micro Mode. Note: while using the concurrent delivery feature in the Micro Mode, neither the primary rate nor the secondary rate can be less than 0.5 mL/hr.
1 to 999 mL/hr (in 1 mL increments the total of the primary rate plus the secondary rate cannot exceed 700 mL/) in 1 mL/hr in Macro Mode
0.1 to 999 mL (in 0.1 mL increments)
1 to 9999 mL (in 1 mL increments)
-2 to 10 psig. The maximum pressure is user-selectable from 1 to 10 psig, via the front panel touch switches.
For dual-channel delivery, a single dose of a secondary fluid may be administered
For multidose delivery, 1 to 24 doses of a secondary fluid may be administered at intervals from 15 minutes to 24 hours
The Distal Occlusion alarm sounds within two pumping cycles after the distal set tubing or set outlet fitting becomes occluded
The Proximal Occlusion alarm sounds within five pumping cycles if the tubing proximal to the cassette becomes occluded
The Stopped Air In Distal Line alarm will sound if a bubble 100 uL or larger passes the distal air-in-line sensors (alarm may actually sound at detection of a bubble as small as 50 uL)
The Stopped Air In Proximal Line alarm will sound if approximately 1200 uL or more passes through the proximal air-in-line sensors
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Colleague 3CX infusion pumps.
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100-120 VAC, 60Hz
Less than 300 u amps earth leakage (tested per UL 2601)
1.6 amp Type T (time delay) 250V
2.9 m (9 feet) long with integrally molded hospital grade plug
Colleague 3 Pump – 3 hours operating time at 100 mL/hr for all three channels (fully charged new batteries) 12 hours to recharge to 80% of capacity Internal charge system recharges batteries whenever the device is connected to an AC outlet
Primary Infusion on each pump channel 0.1 to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments 1 to 1200 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments Piggyback Infusion on each pump channel 0.1. to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments 1 to 500 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments Note: Rate limits can be configured for values less Than those stated above.
0.1 – 99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments 1- 9999 mL mL/hr in 1 mL increments
Note: Volume to be Infused limits can be configured for values less than those stated above
0.1 – 5 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments (configurable option) or programmed rate whichever is less.
500 mL/hr (to be used only when not connected to patient)
At the same rate programmed for the current primary or piggyback infusion.
Measured accumulations of approximately
25 microliters
50 microliters
100 microliters 150 microliters
The Air Bubble Setting is a configurable option.
Allows the pump channel to automatically restart if an occlusion is relieved within one minute after detection. This configuration option allows 0 to 9 restarts before manual intervention is required.
Alarm sensitivity is a configurable option. Rate range in mL/hr
2 psig (Minimum)
5 psig (Moderate)
9 psig (Maximum)
21- 200
4 psig (Minimum)
8 psig (Moderate)
12 psig (Maximum)
6 psig (Minimum)
11 psig (Moderate)
15 psig (Maximum)
Approximately 13.88″ H x 7.75″ W x 8.00″ D
(353 x 197 x 203 mm)
Not including clamp knob or power cord
Approximately 17.5 lbs (7.9 kg)
59º F – 100º F (15º C – 38º C)
-20º F – 135º F (-29ºC – 57º C), 10-100% Reliable Humidity including condensation, 500-1060 hPa Barometric Pressure
Less than 0.2 ohms (tested per UL-2601)
Pump will operate at all programmable flow rates with a solution container height ranging from -36 to +48 inches. Container height is measured from the pump channel selected for use.
Attachment to a remote nurse call system A variety of systems exist which enable alert and alarm conditions to be transmitted to a remote location via the communications port on the rear panel assembly of the pump. See the service manual for additional information.
Preset Label Library
User Defined Label Library
Dose Calculator
View Limits Soft Key
Programmable Personalities
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Colleague CX infusion pumps.
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100-120 VAC, 60Hz
Less than 300 u amps earth leakage (tested per UL 2601)
1.6 amp Type T (time delay) 250V
2.9 m (9 feet) long with integrally molded hospital grade plug
5 hours operating time at 100 mL/hr (fully charged new batteries) 8 hours to recharge to 80% of capacity. Internal charge system recharges batteries whenever the device is connected to an AC outlet
Primary Infusion: 0.1 to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments
1 to 1200 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
Piggyback Infusion: 0.1. to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments
1 to 500 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
Note: Rate limits can be configured for values less Than those stated above.
0.1 – 99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments 1- 9999 mL mL/hr in 1 mL increments
Note: Volume to be Infused limits can be configured for values less than those stated above
0.1 – 5 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments (configurable option) or programmed rate whichever is less.
500 mL/hr (to be used only when not connected to patient)
At the same rate programmed for the current primary or piggyback infusion.
Measured accumulations of approximately
25 microliters
50 microliters
100 microliters 150 microliters
The Air Bubble Setting is a configurable option.
Allows the pump channel to automatically restart if an occlusion is relieved within one minute after detection. This configuration option allows 0 to 9 restarts before manual intervention is required.
Alarm sensitivity is a configurable option. Rate range in mL/hr
2 psig (Minimum)
5 psig (Moderate)
9 psig (Maximum)
21- 200
4 psig (Minimum)
8 psig (Moderate)
12 psig (Maximum)
6 psig (Minimum)
11 psig (Moderate)
15 psig (Maximum)
Approximately 10″ H x 7.75″ W x 7.75″ D
(254 x 197 x 197 mm)
Not including clamp knob or power cord
Approximately 10.4 lbs (4.7kg)
59º F – 100º F (15º C – 38º C)
-20º F – 135º F (-29ºC – 57º C), 10-100% Reliable Humidity including condensation, 500-1060 hPa Barometric Pressure
Less than 0.2 ohms (tested per UL-2601)
Pump will operate at all programmable flow rates with a solution container height ranging from -36 to +48 inches. Container height is measured from the pump channel selected for use.
Attachment to a remote nurse call system A variety of systems exist which enable alert and alarm conditions to be transmitted to a remote location via the communications port on the rear panel assembly of the pump. See the service manual for additional information.
Preset Label Library
User Defined Label Library
Dose Calculator
View Limits Soft Key
Programmable Personalities
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Colleague 3CS infusion pumps.
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100-120 VAC, 60Hz
Less than 300 u amps earth leakage (tested per UL 2601)
1.6 amp Type T (time delay) 250V
2.9 m (9 feet) long with integrally molded hospital grade plug
Colleague 3 Pump – 3 hours operating time at 100 mL/hr for all three channels (fully charged new batteries) 12 hours to recharge to 80% of capacity Internal charge system recharges batteries whenever the device is connected to an AC outlet
Primary Infusion on each pump channel 0.1 to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments 1 to 1200 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments Piggyback Infusion on each pump channel 0.1. to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments 1 to 500 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments Note: Rate limits can be configured for values less Than those stated above.
0.1 – 99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments 1- 9999 mL mL/hr in 1 mL increments
Note: Volume to be Infused limits can be configured for values less than those stated above
0.1 – 5 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments (configurable option) or programmed rate whichever is less.
500 mL/hr (to be used only when not connected to patient)
At the same rate programmed for the current primary or piggyback infusion.
Measured accumulations of approximately
25 microliters
50 microliters
100 microliters 150 microliters
The Air Bubble Setting is a configurable option.
Allows the pump channel to automatically restart if an occlusion is relieved within one minute after detection. This configuration option allows 0 to 9 restarts before manual intervention is required.
Alarm sensitivity is a configurable option. Rate range in mL/hr
2 psig (Minimum)
5 psig (Moderate)
9 psig (Maximum)
21- 200
5 psig (Minimum)
8 psig (Moderate)
12 psig (Maximum)
6 psig (Minimum)
11 psig (Moderate)
15 psig (Maximum)
Approximately 13.88″ H x 7.75″ W x 8.00″ D
(353 x 197 x 203 mm)
Not including clamp knob or power cord
Approximately 17.5 lbs (7.9 kg)
59º F – 100º F (15º C – 38º C)
-20º F – 135º F (-29ºC – 57º C), 10-100% Reliable Humidity including condensation, 500-1060 hPa Barometric Pressure
Less than 0.2 ohms (tested per UL-2601)
Pump will operate at all programmable flow rates with a solution container height ranging from -36 to +48 inches. Container height is measured from the pump channel selected for use.
Attachment to a remote nurse call system A variety of systems exist which enable alert and alarm conditions to be transmitted to a remote location via the communications port on the rear panel assembly of the pump. See the service manual for additional information.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Colleague CS infusion pumps.
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100-120 VAC, 60Hz
Less than 300 u amps earth leakage (tested per UL 2601)
1.6 amp Type T (time delay) 250V
2.9 m (9 feet) long with integrally molded hospital grade plug
5 hours operating time at 100 mL/hr (fully charged new batteries) 8 hours to recharge to 80% of capacity. Internal charge system recharges batteries whenever the device is connected to an AC outlet
Primary Infusion: 0.1 to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments
1 to 1200 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
Piggyback Infusion: 0.1. to 99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL/hr increments
1 to 500 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
Note: Rate limits can be configured for values less Than those stated above.
0.1 – 99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments 1- 9999 mL mL/hr in 1 mL increments
Note: Volume to be Infused limits can be configured for values less than those stated above
0.1 – 5 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments (configurable option) or programmed rate whichever is less.
500 mL/hr (to be used only when not connected to patient)
At the same rate programmed for the current primary or piggyback infusion.
Measured accumulations of approximately
25 microliters
50 microliters
100 microliters 150 microliters
The Air Bubble Setting is a configurable option.
Allows the pump channel to automatically restart if an occlusion is relieved within one minute after detection. This configuration option allows 0 to 9 restarts before manual intervention is required.
2 psig (Minimum)
5 psig (Moderate)
9 psig (Maximum)
21- 200
5 psig (Minimum)
8 psig (Moderate)
11 psig (Maximum)
9 psig (Minimum)
12 psig (Moderate)
15 psig (Maximum)
Approximately 10″ H x 7.75″ W x 7.75″ D
(254 x 197 x 197 mm)
Not including clamp knob or power cord
Approximately 10.4 lbs (4.7kg)
59º F – 100º F (15º C – 38º C)
-20º F – 135º F (-29ºC – 57º C), 10-100% Reliable Humidity including condensation, 500-1060 hPa Barometric Pressure
Less than 0.2 ohms (tested per UL-2601)
Pump will operate at all programmable flow rates with a solution container height ranging from -36 to +48 inches. Container height is measured from the pump channel selected for use.
Attachment to a remote nurse call system A variety of systems exist which enable alert and alarm conditions to be transmitted to a remote location via the communications port on the rear panel assembly of the pump. See the service manual for additional information.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6301 infusion pumps.
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32.5 cm W x 13 cm D X 29 cm H (13 in W x 5.1 in D x 11.4 in H)
12.0″ x 14.75″ x 7.5″ (30.5 cm x 37.5 cm x 19.1 cm)
8.1 Kg (17.9 lb)
12 volt, 2.0 ampere, sealed lead acid
80% charged within 8 hr.
6 hr at 1-1,400 mL/hr (4 hr with both channels operating at 1-1,400 mL/hr)
Biomed replaceable 2.75 m (9 ft)
Less than 50 micro-amps (per UL 544)
.8 ampere, 250 volt, slow-blow
RS232 serial port
15.5-37.7ºC (60-100ºF)
115 VAC, 60 HZ, 50 W
Primary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-1999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments.Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Secondary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments
1.0-99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments or 1-9999 mL in 1 mL increments for both primary and secondary. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Total VTBI: 100-9,999 in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Delay Time: 00:00 – 08:00 hours in minute increments.
Run Time: 01:00 – 16:00 hours in minute increments.
Ramp Up: 00:00 to 45% of the Run Time, in minute increments.
Ramp Down: 00-00 to the Run Time minus Ramp Up, in minute Increments.
Factory set to NORM, which causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 75 uL or larger. The MIN setting causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 50 ul or larger.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6201 infusion pumps.
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Linear Peristaltic Volumetric Infusion Pump
5 mL/hr or programmed rate, whichever is less
Available through the COMMUNICATIONS PORT
12 Volt, 2.0 Ah sealed lead-acid
Approximately 6 hours with pump running at a rate from 1 to 1400 mL/hr
8 hours for more than 80% recharge
110/120V, 60 Hz
2.9 m (9 ft) long, with hospital grade plug
0.5 A, 250V, SB, 5.2 mm (13/64 in) x 20 mm (25/32 in)
Less than 50 microamps (using UL-544 specified test methods)
Approximately 5.3 kg (11.6 lbs)
20 cm W x 13 cm D x 29 cm H (7.9″ W x 5.1″ D x 11.4″ H)
Primary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-1999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Secondary program: 1.0-99.9 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments or 1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL increments
1.0-99.9 mL in 0.1 mL increments or 1-9999 mL in 1 mL increments for both primary and secondary. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Total VTBI: 100-9,999 in 1 mL increments. Upper limit can be reduced by authorized service personnel.
Delay Time: 00:00 – 08:00 hours in minute increments.
Run Time: 01:00 – 16:00 hours in minute increments.
Ramp Up: 00:00 to 45% of the Run Time, in minute increments.
Ramp Down: 00-00 to the Run Time minus Ramp Up, in minute Increments.
Factory set to NORM, which causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 75 uL or larger. The MIN setting causes the pump to alarm on air bubbles approximately 50 ul or larger.
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6300 infusion pumps.
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13″ W x 8.3″ D x 11.4″ H
Rechargeable, 8-volt sealed lead-acid
24 hours to completely recharge
Replaceable 2.4 m (8 ft) long with hospital-grade plug
Type 0.5A, 250V, SB 6.35 mm
Less than 20 microamps (per UL 544)
Molded plastic
10º-40º C (50º – 104º F)
18 lbs
115 VAC, 60 HZ, 10 Watts
1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
1-9999 mL in both primary and secondary
1-5 mL/hr
Approximately 5 hours on fully charged batteries at 125 mL/hr
Air bubbles 1/3 in (.05 mL) or longer
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Baxter Travenol 6200 infusion pumps.
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24 cm W x 16 cm D x 27 cm H (9.5″ W x 6″ D x 11″ H)
Rechargeable, 8-volt sealed lead-acid
24 hours to completely recharge
Replaceable 2.4 m (8 ft) long with hospital-grade plug
Type 0.5A, 250V, SB 6.35 mm
Less than 20 microamps (per UL 544)
Molded plastic
10º-40º C (50º – 104º F)
6.7 kg (14 lb)
115 VAC, 60 HZ, 10 Watts
1-999 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments
1-9999 mL in both primary and secondary
1-5 mL/hr
Approximately 5 hours on fully charged batteries at 125 mL/hr
Air bubbles 1/3 in (.05 mL) or longer
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Sabratek 3030 infusion pumps.
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1 ml/hr to 999 ml/hr in 1 ml/hr increments
1 ml to 9999 ml in 1 ml increments
+/-5% with standard, soft sets
Linear peristaltic
approximately 10.5 lbs (4.5 kg)
8″ (20.5 cm)H x 5.5″ (14 cm)W x 6.25″ (16 cm)D
110V AC, 10 Watts, 50/60 Hz
100 to 130V AC
0.25 Amp AC line fuse
12 volt, rechargeable
6 to 7 hrs at 125 ml/hr (run-time depends on the state of the battery charge)
approximately 24 hours from empty battery
LO: 8 psi, +/- 5 psi, HI: 20 psi, +/- 5 psi
1 ml/hr; 1 to 9 ml/hr in Intermittent delivery
approximately 10′ long, hospital grade
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Sigma 6000+ infusion pumps.
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Linear peristaltic
7-5/8″ H x 3-5/8″ W x 7-1/2″ D (193 mm x 92 mm x 190 mm)
10.2 lbs (4.6 kg)
105 – 135 volts AC, 50-60 Hz, 0.5 Amps.
Approx. 8 hrs – on fully charged battery (18 hr. charge time required)
<0.1 ohm
<10 microamp
0.1-999 ml/hr
± 5%
0.1-9999 ml
1 ml/hr, <1 ml/hr = infusion rate
12 ±6 psi
Air bubble in. (0.1 ml) or larger
Proximal Occlusion/Empty
Bottle (requires optional flow sensor)
Program Complete
Malfunctions: H/L Rate, Pump Fail, Multifail and Bad Prom
Check Tube
Open Door
Infusion Complete
Low Battery/Plug In
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Sigma 8000 infusion pumps.
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0.1 – 999 mL/hr in 0.1 mL increments from 0.1-99.9 and 1 mL increments above
+/- 5%
0.1 – 9999 mL
0.1 – 9999 mL
0.1 mL/hr
Linear Peristaltic
Any Standard Gravity IV Set (Abbott, Baxter, B.Braun,and others)
Drip Proof
105/135 VAC fused T500Ma. 220/240 VAC fused T250Ma
50/60 Hz
5 hours (100 mL/hr)
8 hours
Upstream and Downstream Occlusion
Improper IV Set Loading
Infusion Complete
Low Battery
Plug in
Pump Malfunction
Close Roller Clamp
Empty Container (with optional flow sensor)
Save up to 80% on pre-owned B. Braun Vista Basic infusion pumps.
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Linear peristalsis
5.5″W x 9.4″H x 7.8″D
6.8 lbs.
100-120 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 13 Watts
7.2V, 1.2Ah NiCad rechargeable
3.5 hours at max delivery rate
0.1-800 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments with Vista™ tubing
0.1-9999.9 ml
Variable Settings: Low – 8 PSI, High – 17 PSI
1 ml/hr or selected rate whichever is lower
Low Battery
Plug in Now
Bag Empty
Downstream Occlusion
Door Open
Pump Stopped
Unit Malfunction
Continuous and Piggyback Modes
Program Mode for variable infusions
Ramp/Taper Mode for TPN infusions
Delay A Mode for postponing start and finish
Save up to 80% on pre-owned B. Braun Outlook infusion pumps.
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Volumetric, Positive Pressure Displacement Reservoir
Width – 12″
Height – 4.5″
Depth – 8.75″
120 VAC, 3 amp, 60 Hz
12V Sealed lead-acid battery
0.1-999.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
Micro mode: 0.1-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
0.1-9999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 750 mmHg
3 ml/hr or selected rate, whichever is lower
Plug in alarm
Close Roller Clamp
Container Empty
Door Open
Downstream Occlusion
Hold Time Exceeded
Low Battery Warning
System Error
DoseGuard™ (Outlook 100, 200)
DoseScan™ (Outlook 200)
Mode with Drug Menu
Primary and Piggyback Modes
Set Time and Volume
Schedule Next Run
Program Mode
Variable Occlusion Pressure
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris Medley LVP pump module.
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3.3″W x 8.9″H x 5.5″D/p>
2.5 lbs.
Positive Displacement
0.1-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml increments
100-999 ml/hr in 1 ml increments
0.1-9.99 ml in 0.01 ml increments
10-999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
1000-9999 ml in 1 ml increments
1ml/hr or selected rate, whichever is lower
654 mmHg
±5% at rates between 1 and 999 ml/hr
±5.5% at rates less than 1 ml/hr
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris Medley POC Units.
Request a Quote for this product now.
6.9″W x 8.8″H x 9″D including pole clamp
7.2 lbs.
Battery run time is a function of the number of modules attached and module activity. See operator’s manual for battery operation hours.
RS-232 with an RJ45 connector
System configuration parameters stored in volatile memory are retained for at least 6 months by an internal backup lithium battery. Module specific parameters are stored for 8 hours when system is turned off.
100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 150VA Max
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal IVAC Signature old 7130/7230
infusion pumps. Request a Quote for this product now.
0.1 to 999.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments (primary)
0.1 to 270.0 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments (secondary)
.1 to 9999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments (primary)
.1 to 999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments (secondary)
0.0 to 9999.9 ml in 0.1 ml increments
0.1-20.0 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr increments
Air in Line
Battery Depleted
Channel Malfunction
Computer Link Failure
Flow Sensor Unplugged
Hold Time Exceeded
Instrument Malfunction
Key stuck
Latch Open
No Upstream Flow Detected
Occlusion Downstream
Occlusion Upstream
Primary Flow Detected during
Set Out
Set Up Time Exceeded
Width 7.7 in/19.3 cm
Height 8.6 in/21.8 cm
Depth* 5.0 in/12.7 cm
Weight 6.85 lbs./3.11 kg
Power Cord 10 ft/3 m
Width 10.5 in/26.7 cm
Height 8.6 in/21.8 cm
Depth* 5.0 in/12.7 cm
Weight 8.4 lbs./3.7 kg
Power Cord 10 ft/3m
Impact resistant plastic
100- 120 V~,50/60 Hz, 0.5A,3-wire grounded system (40 watts Max)
Tested to UL Standard 544 and CSA C22.2 No. 125 for medical and dental equipment.
Rechargeable nickel cadmium. With a new, fully charged battery, the pump will operate for 4 hours nominal at 100 ml/hr for a two channel instrument operating on both channels simultaneously.
Temperature Range 10ºC to 40ºC
(50ºF to 104ºF)
Relative Humidity 15 to 95% Non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure 632 to 1031 mbar
Temperature Range -40ºC to 60ºC (-40ºF to 122ºF)
Relative Humidity 5 to 95%
Atmospheric Pressure 632 to 1031 mbar
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal Ivac Medsystem III infusion pumps.
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UL 544
CSA C22.0, No 125
Impact resistant polycarbonate/ABS alloy
Height 7.875 inches (20.00 centimeters)
Width 6 inches 815.24 centimeters)
Depth 2.10 inches (5.33 centimeters)
Approximately 5.1 lbs. (2.32 kg) includes Pole Clamp
500 µl except for Neonatal which is 50µl
15 psi except for Controller pressure device which is 3 ft H20
50- 104º Fahrenheit (10º – 40º Celsius)
<95º Fahrenheit (<35º Celsius) for optimum battery life
131º Fahrenheit (55º Celsius) Temperature
0.1 – 999 milliliter per hour (each channel)
0.1 – 999 milliliter (each channel)
0.1 – 20.0 milliliter per hour
6 watts AC power. Use only IVAC MedSystem III AC Adapter, Model 1550
Main – Rechargeable NiCad Battery Pack Memory
Back-up – Nonrechargeable Lithium
A fully charged battery has a minimum of 6 hours running time with all channels running at 125 milliliter per hour and backlighting usage of 2 minutes per hour.
The main battery retains 80% of its capacity after 500 charging Cycles, and retains 90% of its capacity after 3 months of Continuous AC charging.
Model 1550, 8.5 VDC @ 750 mA & 8.5 feet (2.59 meters)
4 pin locking connector is standard on Model 2863. Detachable Connector is standard on Model 2860
3 amp fast-blow internal
Maximum 0.1 ohm
Maximum 100 microamps
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal Imed Gemini PC-4 infusion pumps.
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Linear peristalsis
12.0″ x 14.75″ x 7.5″ (30.5 cm x 37.5 cm x 19.1 cm)
26.5 lbs. (12.0 kg)
90 – 132 VAC, Current draw 0.1A nominal (0.36A maximum), 10 watts, fused at 0.4A, 50/60 Hz, 3 wire, single phase
With new, fully charged batteries, approximately 4 hours with All four channels infusing as primary infusion at 125 ml/hr before a “BATTERY DISCHARGED” message.
Less than 100 microamps
0.1-999 ml/hr
Note: Recommended maximum rate in the Controller Mode is 500 ml/hr.
0.1-9999 ml
1 ml/hr if set rate is 1 ml/hr or above; or set rate, if rate is 0.9 ml/hr or below
Container height ±12″ (±30 cm)
10±2 psi (517 ± 103 mmHg) for rates above 30 ml/hr. For rates of 30 ml/hr and below, the occlusion pressure will be less than 10 psi, an is rate-dependent.
25 – 517 mmHg in 25 mmHg increments to 500 mmHg.
INFUSION COMPLETE – KVO, EMPTY CONTAINER – KVO, MULTIDOSE COMPLETE, DELAYED START COMPLETE , LOW BATTERY, Maintenance Mode, Replace Battery, PAUSE, Paused, Powering Down in X Seconds, Panel/keypad locked, Panel/keypad Unlocked, LOW FLOW, START = XX:XX. SECONDARY, DOSE N = XX:XX and ANESTHESIA MODE – PAUSE
Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal Imed Gemini PC-2TX infusion pumps.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal Imed Gemini PC-2 infusion pumps.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Alaris/Cardinal Imed Gemini PC-1 infusion pumps.
Request a Quote for this product now.
Linear peristalsis
10.8″ x 8.2″ x 6.5″ (27.5 cm x 20.6 cm x 16.5 cm)
11.3 lbs (5.1 kg)
90 – 130 (120 nominal) VA, 0.5A, 50/60 Hz, 3 wire, single phase
With a new battery, approximately 5 hours At 125 ml/hr before a “HELP BATTERY”
Less than 100 microamps
0.1-999 ml/hr (Note: Recommended maximum rate in the Controller Mode is 500 ml/hr
0.1-99.9 ml/hr (in 0.1 ml/hr increments)
0.1-999.9 m/l (in 0.1 ml increments)
1-9999 ml (in 1 ml increments)
1 ml/hr if set rate is 1 ml/hr or above, or actual rate if set at 0.9 ml/hr or below
10 ±2 psi for rates above 30 ml/hr. For rates of 30 ml/hr and below, the occlusion pressure will be less than 10 psi, and is rate dependent (unless locked into 10 psi for all rates)
Secondary, Primary, Infusion Complete – KVO, Empty Container-KVO, Low Battery, Maintenance, Pause, On Batt, 10 psi. Flow, Total Vol Infused, Sec Vol Infused Macro, Micro, Versataper: Setup, Step: xx, Steps: xx, Total Vol: xx, Duration: xx, Versataper, and Time Left:xx
Select P/C mode, set rate, set VTBI, and Press Start
Check ECD, Check IV Set, Close Door, Air-in-Line, Occluded Patient Side, Occluded Fluid Side, Occluded, Partial Occlusion Fluid Side, Flo-Stop Open/Close Door, KVO Comm Cable, KVO Comm Tout, and KVO
Help internal error, help battery, and (Watchdog Malfunction)
Dual rate programming
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kendall AVI 6060 SCDs.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kendall 6325 Sequential Compression Devices.
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Save up to 80% on pre-owned Kendall 5325 Sequential Compression Devices.
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